Happy February, everyone. Hard to believe we are 7 weeks into 2008. I've celebrated my first unattached birthday since the infamous "Super Bowl party-mullet wig-rock on plus two" incident of 2001. Luckily I had the means to do it up in style with lots of fondue and a birthday 6 pack in Park Slope, Brooklyn, NYC. good times, good times.

Valentine's was spent at Bottleworks with my peeps, proclaiming to whoever would listen that I am the most eligible lesbian in StL...
hot- check
stylish- check
smart- check
funny- check
can cook- check
excellent taste in music- check
well-read- check
has her shit together- check
the girls should come a runnin', right? yeah. sigh.
my attempts at dating so far in 2008 have been met with some success. I mean success in that at least I've been on dates. several, in fact. lots of first and second dates and really, not much progress from there. seems that to most people, dating is a lost art. not that I am an expert, by any means. I just know that I am looking for something beyond a hook-up, but much less than a LTR... dating seems to be the likely choice. unfortunately, the women I've met recently are tending towards the extremes... not that I mind having more friends. it's just not really what I am looking for at the moment.
I already have amazing friends who come over and wait till 9 pm to eat dinner b/c I under-estimated the time a new recipe would take. my friends make me laugh hysterically. and can make fun of me incessantly without making me feel bad. knitters, scientists, beer drinkers, interpretative dancers, G-chatters, cyclists, concert goers. they are my support system and I literally couldn't have done it without them.
so yeah, here I go again on my own. but I have an f-ing entourage at my back this time. and they make me feel grounded and content in who I am... and my future is that much sweeter because of it. rock on.
amen, sister. uphill from here on out.
From Field of Dreams (1989)
"Just build it, and they will come".
For you, "Just be it", Just be YOU, and they will come. No rush on this - it takes a while to recover from trauma. Take your time, enjoy your friends. Things will happen as they should, in their own time. Don't worry, be Happy.
Got your shit together - double check !!
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