Sunday, November 4, 2007

NGW - Day Two

I have spent the morning sitting in a side hallway in the SD convention center trying to get some data analysis done to email back to a colleague at Wash U. this was a last minute deal, Thursday afternoon, when E asked me to try and get 3 more variables analyzed for oh, 200+ cells. blergh! I spent about 5 hours on it before I left for SD, another 3 on the plane, and after 2+ more this morning, I am finally done! yay! the thing is, I'm sure that no one is going to give a crap and ask about this particular figure on my poster, let alone the statistics we're using. but whatev. it's done.

there's not too much on tap for today. a few posters, a workshop, and a couple of talks. probably drinks and dinner out. and maybe some Sunday night football.

we had people over to the condo last night and I coordinated some BBQ action. chicken, burgers, light beer. good times. well, except for that whole light beer thing... J and D from B-more came out from their hotel downtown. some of my favorite people in the world. miss them.

it's been hazy/potentially sunny and pretty nice here. the ocean is amazing. right now I'm just trying not to think about other stuff too much and enjoy the science. we'll see how it goes.

ps... this post has nothing to do with wild neuroscientists and is kinda boring. sorry. I should mention that I almost convinced Q to flash downtown SD while driving our convertible PT Cruiser. that's semi-wild, right?

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