Tuesday, October 2, 2007

isn't she?

she turns herself 'round
and she smiles and she says
"this is it...
that's the end of the joke."

shout outs to:
my literary and musical saviors.
Gchat procrastinators.
purveyors and connoisseurs of food and drink.
those of you who are just checking in... regularly.
the first days of Fall.
weekend plans. (Shaw Art Fair, Best of MO market, winery tours, gardening)
plane tickets.
bike rides.
a Chancellor Emeritus.
new things. (babies, houses, cars)
and trying to move on...
not for all the tea in China
not if I could sing like a bird
not for all North Carolina
not for all my little words
not if I could write for you
the sweetest song you ever heard
it doesn't matter what I'll do
not for all my little words

1 comment:

Justa-Human said...

Some are lost and can't find their way, the path becomes a circle that grows ever smaller, and somehow unchanging.

That's not you, it's never going to be you. Stay strong - it's hard, I know.

rotten eggs are dangerous to health & happiness