1. to be interviewed, at least once, as the resident expert on X by folks at NPR. whether it be Ira Flatow from Science Friday on Talk of the Nation or Scott Simon on Weekend Edition- I'd love to be asked my opinion on some breaking news story or current event.
2. to hold season tickets to a major league team, preferably the Boston Red Sox, but I'd settle for any team from the Amercian League. I'm not sure how many other 20-something-year-old women long to be a professor at an elite liberal arts college and regularly attend ball games. Maybe it's because I saw my share of little league (my brother played since he was old enough to walk, practically) and learned to keep score at an early age. Maybe it's because some of my most vivid childhood vacation memories revolve around baseball (thanks Dad!) - Fenway, Busch Stadium, Camden Yards, or Cooperstown, most summers included a trip to the Show. Maybe it's because Field of Dreams still makes me cry. Yeah, I know, I'm lame.

I was at two Cardinals games this week. And as much as I complain about the over-priced (Budweiser) beer, there is really no better place to be on a summer evening. While watching the Cards lose is never fun (hey, we're still World Champs for a few more months, right?) at least Boston remains the best team in baseball. I may not be a little kid enjoying swirled soft-serve from a plastic helmet, but in the ballpark at twilight, when your legs stick the seats and your feet crunch on peanut shells, the smell of stale beer and popcorn in the air, time seems to stand still. those are some of my happiest moments.
1 comment:
I, too, learned to keep score at a very young age while spending endless hours at my brother's little league games. Maybe T can be in the poli sci department of whatever elite liberal arts college that happens to be lucky to employ you both and we can go to lots and lots of MLB games.
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