Monday, June 18, 2007

tennesseein' is tennebelievin'

my home state made national news this weekend. it would be nice if I could say that researchers at Vanderbilt or St. Jude's have found a cure for leukemia, or that Al Gore announced from his home in Carthage that he will seek the Democratic nomination in 2008. unfortunately, the headline scrolling past at the bottom of CNN said that 6 kids, the oldest being 22, were killed at an exhibition drag race in Selmer. needless to say, it's a tragedy for all those involved.

the thing that gets me is that again we have an event that allows the media to perpetuate the idea that Tennessee is this backwater locale where folks line up in their John Deere hats and Daisy Dukes to be plowed over by out-of-control hot rods. I guess it's not surprising, given our history. I like where I grew up, but sometimes I wish that my state did a bit more to make me proud to hail from there.

Take Massachusetts for example. The news last week of the defeat of an amendment to ban same-sex marriage by the state legislature (in the only state in the union to allow them) was something that all residents of MA should celebrate. This means that equal rights for gays and lesbians and their families will continue to be legal in MA till at least 2012. Lots of recaps and other news regarding Thursday's historic vote can be found here. If you're a resident of Massachusetts, go have yourself a drink on me.

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