Wednesday, December 12, 2007

inspiration, perspiration

inspire, a verb, defined in Webster's as...
1: to influence, move, or guide by divine or supernatural inspiration
2: to exert an animating, enlivening, or exalting influence on
3: to spur on

what inspires you? or let me rephrase that, are you being 1. influenced, 2. enlivened, or 3. spurred by something? what I am passionate about, what lights my fire... those are external things; it is easy to assign the role of inspiration to them. often, I think that what inspires me is instead within myself. it's not that I don't see beauty and joy in the world around me. I think those things are merely a reflection of what I see in myself. it is not the responsibility of the world to drive me to be great, to find peace and comfort in who I am. that potential has always been there. it is really a question of whether I pushed myself to see it... not whether I was around others who drove me to it... which is somewhat an anti-climactic actualization.

it's hard for me to see outsiders have such influence on me as a person. I think as human beings we are far too complicated for such simple arrhythmatic.

self "multiplied by" desired external force(s) "does not equal" realization.

there is no work, no calculus of life in that equation. thoughts?

1 comment:

Deacon Blues said...

The only person you can truly know is yourself; you can never see into another's mind. If you believe that we as observers can influence creation, as some physicists think (see universe, end of the), then perhaps the outside world can influence who you are, but ultimately in the end, it's your responsibility.